Umbrella insurance is another type of personal liability insurance and can be essential if 
you find yourself liable for a claim lager than your homeowners or auto insurance liability
will cover.
An umbrella insurance policy gives you liability coverage that goes above and beyond your homeowners, renters and/or auto insurance policies. Without it your assets could be at risk.
Umbrella insurance is designed to make sure you do not lose everything you have worked so hard for. If you're sued or found liable for damages, umbrella policies will pay not only the monetary damage costs, but also attorney fees and other court costs.
Thankfully, chances are slight that you will ever end up being sued and owing someone more than your current insurance policy will pay out.
Umbrella policies also cover malicious prosecution, wrongful entry, invasion of privacy and other harms.
In addition, an umbrella policy covers other members of your family. For example, if your teenage kids get into trouble and are found liable, they are covered.
If you are traveling, your umbrella policy covers you world wide.
Generally speaking you will want enough coverage to to at least cover your net worth.
When you are ready, now is a good time, call us and we can discuss options with you.
Posted Monday, July 13 2015 11:00 AM
Tags : Is It Safe To Be Without Umbrella Insurance
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