Wednesday, February 28, 2018You want to invest, but you’ve got to pick up the kids from school. Life gets hectic, and sometimes it’s hard to make investing a top priority. Jeff Holzmann, busy father and managing director of iintoo, a real estate investment company, offers tips that can take your investing to the next level. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 27, 2018Celebrity trainer, author, and The Biggest Loser star Bob Harper has been helping celebrity clients and TV contestants lose weight for decades, but recently he's made some powerful changes to his approach, both personally and professionally. READ MORE >>
Monday, February 26, 2018Amberley Snyder Turns Tragedy into Triumph “Fall seven times. Get up eight.” – Japanese proverb Amberley Snyder rode her first horse at age three. She’s been riding ever since. What began as a simple joy for an energetic, little girl has transformed into the successful career for an established, inspiring professional rodeo rider and barrel racer. READ MORE >>
Saturday, February 24, 2018A heavy rainstorm has finally stopped. Or maybe a long winter has finally ended, and the deep snows have begun to melt. While good weather may seem like a relief, the potential for water damage may just be beginning. Storm water runoff can quickly overwhelm natural and manmade systems, leading to flooding and property damage. READ MORE >>
Friday, February 23, 2018Here’s a scary — but true — statistic: A Secure Life reports that one in 36 homes will be burglarized in the United States this year. To prevent your home from becoming one of them, it’s important to know what burglars look for. Yours could be the perfect target without you even knowing it! READ MORE >>
Thursday, February 22, 2018Chef and restaurateur Stephanie Izard is on a mission to fight food waste. Together with Morton Salt, Izard, a new mom who won Bravo’s fourth season of “Top Chef,” is working with the campaign to reduce food waste by 50% by 2030. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 21, 2018Being a homeowner is part of the American dream, but that white picket fence comes with a side of unexpected realities. While buying and owning a home can be fun and rewarding, it's not all HGTV makes it out be. From hidden expenses to housekeeping demands, it involves a lot more mental and monetary effort than most originally anticipate. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 20, 2018If you're like me, mosquitoes eat you up anywhere, anytime, any season. There's just something about us that lure those bloodsuckers, especially during our sleep. I almost gave up on warding them off and accepted the fact that I was going to wake up every morning with bites — until I found an effective solution. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 20, 2018If you get health insurance from your employer, you have to make decision every year about which coverage to choose. So here is a warning: If you are simply sticking with an old plan with a low deductible, that may well be a wrong and costly choice. You might wonder how anyone could say that choosing one plan over another is “wrong. READ MORE >>
Monday, February 19, 2018When Busyness Steals Your Ability to be Mindful “Those who are wise won’t be too busy, and those who are too busy can’t be wise.” – Lin Yutang “I am so busy.” It’s a simple, common, four-word sentence. READ MORE >>
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