R. L. Thomas Insurance Service, Inc. Blog: every day
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Tuesday, March 5, 2019I'd heard of blue light blocking glasses before: They were yellow, ugly, and not worth the laughter I would get from both roommates and coworkers if I wore them regularly. But, I had a problem: For my job, I needed to spend a minimum of eight hours a day staring at a computer screen. READ MORE >>
Friday, February 1, 2019Do you hate to cook? Do you turn your nose when entering your kitchen and hurry out the door once your microwave beeps, signaling your frozen burrito is ready? And if we're really being honest, have you forgotten the last time you changed out your sponge or scrubbed the stove free of pasta-sauce splatters? READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 2, 2017You can prevent these deaths. Of these, two are children aged 14 or younger. Drowning ranks fifth among the leading causes of unintentional injury death in the United States. Stay safe at the pool this summer with these tips from the CDC: Swimming skills help. READ MORE >>
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