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15 Tips to Go Green in 2019

Have you ever wondered what you can do to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle that is nottips to go green
only good for the environment but also for your personal health and wealth? Try these small steps to go green in 2019.

Plastic waste is one of the biggest contributors to global pollution. and, as such it is advisable to reduce your plastic footprint – by switching to wooden and metal spoons and utensils, and glass water bottles. If you have to use a carry bag, switch to using ones made of jute or cloth. And if you're visiting your favorite coffee coffee shop, ask if they have an alternative to plastic straws and spoons.


One of easiest ways to reduce the volume of waste you generate is by recycling old items. Ask yourself this simple question before throwing anything away – can I use this for some other purpose? For example, empty soda cans (after proper cleaning and decoration) can become kitschy home décor items and food scraps can be used in compost piles.


Reduce your electricity load by simply switching the lights and fans when leaving a room or a corporate space. When doing so at home, as a bonus, you will also reduce your electricity bill to a certain extent.


Since LED bulbs and CFLs are widely available in store nowadays, it is always a good idea to switch your traditional lights with these power-saving, eco-friendly ones.


Most electronic devices, ranging from televisions and laptops to gaming consoles, continue drawing power even if they are in sleep mode or on standby mode. This leaking electricity is known as “phantom load” or “vampire power,” and can amount up to 10 percent of your total electricity bill. So, when done using a device, make sure to switch it off completely.


The depleting water levels all around the world is a primary point of concern for conservation around the world. At home, we can begin by ensuring the least usage of water in our daily lives. Especially while shaving or brushing teeth, remember to close the tap and not leave water running. Also, instead of using a shower, try taking bath using a bucket of water.


Although it’s very easy to miss, but more often than not we tend to leave the charging plugs in the socket with the switches turned on. In order to truly cut down usage of “phantom power,” it’s advisable to unplug the chargers after your device is charged and then turn off the switches.


A smart rule could be flushing the loo only when you absolutely have to which could come down to one flush a day. Another method to curb the water usage is to place a half gallon container filled with pebbles, gravel and some water inside the flush tank and use it normally. The trick is supposed to save you half a gallon water, and money in water bill, on each flush.


We often tend to overlook leaky faucets and pipe joints, especially the pipes which are hidden away (like the ones in the garden, or the basement). To truly reduce the unwanted loss of water, spot these leaky ones and fix them properly.


Vehicular emissions are one of the primary causes of the high rates of carbon pollution. To reduce it, start taking the buses and metros for your daily commute.


If travelling in crowded buses and trains is not your thing, you can always opt for carpooling. Book share cabs on Uber or simply team up with office colleagues when traveling to and from office.


Using natural or organic beauty products is not only good for your skin, but also helps reduce harmful chemical wastes considerably. Apart from skincare products, switch to organic pesticides and cleaners to reduce your toxic chemical footprint.


There are two primary reasons for opting for organic food which is preferably grown on local farms. The first, and the obvious one, being that it is good for your health as it’s free of toxic fertilizers and chemicals. Secondly, it promotes a healthy economic environment for your local farmers to grow, which in turn leads to a better care of your local farms, lands and vegetation, which is always a good, sustainable idea.


Thanks to devices like smartphones and laptops, usage of paper can be reduced to an immense extent in our daily lives. Start by some simple steps: opt for news on the phone instead of taking newspapers at home; don’t ask for printed receipts while shopping and go for emailed ones; if you have a business of your own, go for emailed receipts and digitized documentations on your PC.


This article originally published on

Posted Friday, February 22 2019 1:00 PM
Tags : 15 tips to go green in 2019

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