The West San Fernando Valley area has seen a rise in robberies. Criminals looking for expensive 
merchandise and/or easy cash.
If someone knocks on your door, it does not mean you should open it. Make sure you know the reason for them being at your door. If they can't or won't give you a good reason for being there, let know that you are calling the police and Call the Police immediately.
Burglars can be just about anyone these days. It is important to be aware of any suspicious behavior.
During the past 5 years, the West San Fernando Valley has been prey to groups the police believe to be "Door-Knock" Burglary Crews also known as "Flockin" crews. It is time to start paying attention to their tell-tale behavior, so if you spot someone with suspicious behavior, you can identify them and call LAPD.
The Flockin crews are made up of gang members that flock into an neighborhood looking to rob homes in a residential area. They are believed to be between 18-25 years old. They strike between 8:00 am and 4:00pm when the majority of people are at work.
Suspects have been seen driving high-end rented cars with tinted windows and paper license plates. The crew goes into the neighborhood with several vehicles and at least 2-4 people per car.
They case the neighborhood looking for surveillance cameras, alarms, dogs and cars in driveways, they tend to stay away from those homes.
Once they choose a home, they will drop off a crew member to knock on the front door. In many cases, the driver pulls right into the driveway to look as if they have a reason to be there. If there is no answer at the front door, the crew member will walk around the house looking for open windows or unlocked doors. If they do not find an easy way in, they will force their way in and open the front door to let the rest of the crew inside.
Once they are inside of the home, they look in the most obvious places, bedrooms, bathrooms and home office, for valuables, jewelry, cash, guns and safes. Flocking crews are usually in and out in 5 minutes.
The Flockin crews then keep any cash, take valuables to a pawn shop and pass off stolen credit cards to a third party.
DO NOT hide your valuables or cash indoor bedroom or bathroom, these are the first places they will look for easy to pawn items.
To avoid becoming a victim, make sure side gates are locked and install a house alarm. Join the Neighborhood Watch in your area.
Just getting to know your neighbors and a little bit about their habits can go a long way to stopping these crews. They do not expect neighbors to look out for each other.
If you do see suspicious behavior, DO NOT approach, call LAPD.